Tag Archives: flowers

Flowers, shadows, jelly, picnic & standing in the sun


How could I not have loved the moment on this day…we received some beautiful flowers from family for our wedding anniversary, which you can read about here.

Wonderful Husband also came home with some beautiful tulips, bringing back memories of our time living in The Netherlands.

Miss Chatty and I took the opportunity to enjoy the sun after dropping the other two off to school one. We’ve enjoyed exploring different playgrounds in the vicinity, and look forward to discovering some more!

Ok, so I didn’t actually make this, but on this night my husband was away and the kids were invited to a disco birthday party. The birthday boy did a great job of decorating his birthday cake don’t you think? Not only was it heaps of fun grooving with the kids, but I also didn’t have to worry about dinner that night. So there…that’s the truth!

With hubby being away, and Lego Boy not being well enough to play his regular basketball game we had some time to explore our ‘hood. We had a lovely morning enjoying the sunshine, fresh air, free craft activities and acquired some new books at the World Migratory Bird Day celebrations. Thanks Brisbane City Council! Afterwards we came home for a picnic…

To cap off this week we’ve had another beautiful day here in Brisbane, so I’ve been able to soak my “feets” in the sun. They still have traces of the pedicure I had in Brazil, where I was for my sister’s wedding in March (I’ve started to write about it here.) It seems so long ago (sigh).