Moments savoured…memories awakened


 So, what do you think of my attempt at being crafty?

With my kids constantly bringing artwork home, and making some things at home too, I thought that they would like these. Here were their responses to discovering them on their pillows…

Lego Boy: “Oh, what’s this for? I know, to say that you love me.”

Princess: “Thank you Mummy. When I look at this I know that you care about me. Can you please make another one for me so that I can take it to school, and look at it when something-that’s-not-nice happens to me?”

Miss Chatty: ” Why did you cut de photo like dat? I don’t like how you cut de luff heart.”


“I know that I’ll be a different person at the end of this month” is what I wrote on May 4th, and I most definitely am. I’ll admit to feeling daunted when I put myself up for the challenge. Of all the months for US ALL to be sick THIS WAS IT! My original plans for many of the challenges were thwarted due to this, but it also forced me to be more creative in my interpretation, after all, my family had to take precedence. Despite this, having this challenge to focus on has given me…has given us all…moments to savour. It made me think about what Kelly had shared about using our senses in this post…”Slow life down without being less busy “.

Interesting isn’t it, how a colour, a scent, a taste, a sound, a touch, can awaken a bank of wonderful memories? I have been transported back to certain moments in my life such as:

  • a visit to Monet’s garden in the spring with my husband
  • the fun my sister and I would have cooking pancakes with my Dad
  • walking arm-in-arm with my Mum as we went shopping
  • the Balinese music that my sister and I used to dance to, wearing bright and colourful costumes and make-up
  • cherry-picking with my family as a kid

Throughout the challenge this has been going through my mind, ‘I hope and pray that my kids will have wonderful memories when they look back at their childhood, just as I have.’

Thanks again to Kelly at Be A Fun Mum for the inspiration to

4 responses »

  1. Awww, how gorgeous (the artwork AND the kids)! My son is only 3 months old and I do stop and enjoy the moment. At the same time, I look forward to moments like these, when he can speak. Heart-melting stuff… Thank you for sharing! So sweet 🙂

  2. I think you have done a great job. I am not a crafty person at all, need to get more into it, I think, The few times in my life I have given it a shot I find it quite therapeutic.

    Stopping by to welcome to Write On Wednesdays! The first writing exercise should be ready to go tomorrow for you to link up to on the Wednesday. Hope to see you joining in and linking up! Gill xo

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